Yvette Shumacher's 60th Birthday

Dear Friends,
As Yvette Shumacher's 60th birthday approaches, we, her children, are embarking on a journey to celebrate the woman for whom the principle of "chesed" — the art of giving — is a cornerstone of life. Yvette's generous spirit has inspired countless acts of kindness, and now, in her honor, we are reaching out for your support.
Yvette, a loving and caring mother, has consistently placed the well-being of others at the forefront of her actions. The importance of generosity is deeply ingrained in her values, and she has instilled those values in her children as well.
Our goal is to raise 60,000 NIS to support those in need, echoing the selfless acts she has carried out throughout her life. Let's join together in making a difference, embodying the spirit of "chesed" that Yvette has so beautifully exemplified.
Your contribution, regardless of size, will serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of love and kindness that Yvette has woven into the fabric of our lives.
With love and appreciation,
Yoni, Anna, Chemi, Ira, Avi, Daliah, Ora & Ariel

Yvette's Message Board
Mazal Tov Yvette !
Thank you for partnering with Ten Gav to help Israeli families in need.
Happy 60th!!!
Naomi & Vivi
מזל טוב, אושר ונחת
אגי ואימי

Dearest Yvette,
We wish you continued Nachat and much love and happiness on this very special birthday and beyond until doubling to 120.
With warmest regards and much love - Linda and Karl and gang
Dear Yvette,
Happy special birthday.
May you continue to enjoy much nachat from that wonderful bunch, (Your children) in good health for many years to come.
Your loving Mom
Dear Yvette,
We wish you a very happy special birthday, we love you and wish you good health. Lots of happiness, and peace in Israel.
Phil & Julie Weintraub
Dear Yvette,
Happy Birthday to a wonderful friend. Wishing you many more years filled with health, happiness and nachat. Keep up all your wonderful Chessed work.
Love ,
Susan and David Kleid
Wishing you a year of health, parnassa, nachat from your family and the ability to continue to give. I hope we can celebrate in person!
Love Aviva & Michael, Meira,Atara and Yoni
Happy bday Yvette!
To many more years of love and laughter together.
Shelley and Eddy
Happy Birthday, Yvette!
Debra and Robert Breuer
מזל טוב איווט היקרה
מאחלים בריאות איתנה
נחת מהמשפחה עד 120
שרה וחיים הרשקו
Mazal tov on your special birthday Yvette!
Wishing you love, health and happiness for the next 60!
Debbie and Gil
Happy birthday Aunty Yvette!!
We love you and wish you a happy 60th birthday!
Talya, Jeremy, Layla, Avery and Arya
Mazel Tov on your milestone birthday!!
עד120 in good health!!
Marvin Shumacher
איווט היקרה,
תודה שאת תמיד דודה כל כך אכפתית ואוהבת. חינכת את הילדים שלך בצורה כל כך טובה ומכובדת. מאחלים לך להמשיך לראות את הטוב ולעשות טוב.
מתן ומאירה.
Happy Birthday Yvette!!
Ari Klein
Hey Yvette !:))
Sending all my love and I hope you have an amazing year love you!!!
Yadin Klein
Dear Yvette,
Mazal Tov on this milestone birthday! It is crazy how quickly the time has passed. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were wheeling strollers together. We wish you continued good health, happiness and much nachat from your wonderful family!
All our love, always Michele and Nathan
Happy Birthday, Yvette!
Wishing you all the best for a joyous day and year filled with great health, love and nachat from your beautiful family.
Lots of love to you all,
Betsy and Leon
Dear Yvette,
I know some would say you are half way there (ad 120). We wish you a long, healthy life filled with lots of simcha and nachat. And halevay we can discuss an extension in 60 years.
Love, Rachel and Garry
Happy birthday Ima, we love you!
Yonatan Shumacher
Happy Special Birthday. May you have a happy and healthy year with only good news.
Nena Selig
Happy Special Birthday to our very Special friend. It's so appropriate for you to celebrate your birthday by giving and for enabling us to be like you. May you be doubly blessed. And enjoy 'the swinging sixties'!
Much love Suri and Antony
Happy Birthday to our wonderful great-aunt!
Rina, Adin, Hallel, Karni, Yagil, Netzer and Atai
Happy and healthy 60th! Welcome to the club!
Best wishes, Marsha Gallinger
Yom Huledet Sameach! We wish you a happy half-life birthday. You have been such a gracious host and a good friend to our family for so many years. We wish you health, happiness and long life!
With Love,
Roberta & Marvin

To our dear Yvette.
May you continue to shine your inner goodness עד 120. Happy birthday!
With much admiration and love, Cheryl and Larry
Happy Birthday!!
Temima Kleid
Dear Yvette,
So happy to be celebrating this wonderful milestone . Your laughter , joy and warm heart are some of the wonderful traits we love about you . May you continue to celebrate more birthday with a smile and in good health .
All our love Marcia and Jeff
To wonderful, capable, intelligent, generous Yvette! We wish you much happiness in the coming year. Full of health, nachat and some fun adventures to spice up life.
Tali and Tony
Mazal Tov and Happy Birthday!!
Betty Ehrenberg
דודה איווט היקרה! יום הולדת שמח
מאחלים לך לך בריאות ושמחה! אוהבים כל משפחת לב
Happy 60th birthday Ima Wishing you health, happiness, joy and prosperity on this momentous occasion. May you continue to shep naches from your family, children and grandchildren. Here's to celebrate many more birthdays and simchas together. Love you!
Happy 60th birthday Ima!
We love you and appreciate you very much!! wishing you 60 more years of good health, happiness, success and fulfillment.
Love, Chemi, Ira, Noam & Matan
Dearest Yvette,
I'm so grateful to your kids for enabling me to participate in this truly heartwarming initiative! The apples haven't fallen far from the tree, and I cannot think of a more fitting way to mark your "milestone" birthday! Over the years—and through thick and thin—you've been such a wonderful friend. "Sister" would be a more apt description—assuming that Shelly is willing to share. May the years ahead (ad 120) be healthy, fruitful, and fulfilling—the eineklach a source of unremitting pride and joy! May they (just as I and others do) always draw inspiration from your compassion, kindness, and sagacity—and your profound emunah and Ahavat Yisrael.
Warmest best, Laurence
PS I know this greeting would have benefited from a thorough copyedit by YS, but the kids said it was "hush-hush."
Dearest Yvette,
I wish you a very happy birthday as you are surrounded by your loving family. Your community is so fortunate to have you.
Love, Panni
Happy birthday Ima!
Love you tons, hope this is your best year yet!!
Love, Ora
Happy Birthday Yvette! Wishing you a wonderful year.
Eliav Breuer
I hope your birthday was happy, dear Yvette. You are my favorite editor! Big hugs, kid. You're barely half-way there. Bis hundred und zwanzig, as my grandmother (and mother, and father.... and everybody else!) used to say.

A very happy birthday! May the years ahead be filled with nachat, meaning and blessings!
Beth & Yitz Zuriel
Dear Yvette,
Wishing you a beautiful big birthday celebration! You are a remarkable person making a difference in so many people's lives. Enjoy your special day.
Love, Erna
Wishing you an amazing birthday and meaningful new year. You will always be my birthday twin. Wishing you only the best and strength during these difficult times.
Love, Simon, Danielle, Gefen, Gal, Gaya and Gili
Dear Yvette
May this special Birthday bring you good health, happiness and nachat. You are truly a wonderful giving person and it's an honour to be your friend!
Judi and Sandy Honigsberg
Dear Yvette,
Mazal Tov on this special birthday. May you be blessed with good health, joy and nachas. May Hashem grant you much strength and stamina to continue your works of chesed.
Happy Birthday,
Debra and Randy Wohl
Happy Birthday Yvette! Wishing you good health, lots of laughs, and nachat ad 120. So glad to be able to help mark this milestone!
Mazal tov, Alex
Happy birthday Yvette!!
Happy 60th Birthday, Yvette! Best wishes for a year filled with peaceful things and good health. Continue enjoying your family and friends!
Lots of love, Debbie Blush